Contact Council


77-79 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711
Lachlan St, Hay NSW 2711
9.00am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Saturday 9.00am - 12noon.
147 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711
167-169 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711
95 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711

Opening hours Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12:30pm
Closed on Sundays

or by appointment though Chris can be found drawing in there most days!

 If you are coming to Hay please phone the Gallery as sometimes the Gallery is closed for a few days when the artists Chris and Margie are away on location.

Entry to the Gallery is Free
413 Moss Street, Hay NSW 2711
110 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711
Open 7 days from 7am
120 Lachlan Street, Hay NSW 2711
379 Murray Street, Hay NSW 2711
C/- Hay Shire Council, Hay NSW 2711
Yang Yang Street, Hay NSW 2711
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