EVERY home built or renovated before the mid 1980’s is likely to contain asbestos. If left undisturbed asbestos generally does not pose a health risk. However, when disturbed during renovations and home maintenance, asbestos fibres can be released into the air and when inhaled, can cause life-threatening diseases including lung cancer, pleural disease, asbestosis and mesothelioma, an incurable, terminal cancer.
Home renovations, particularly DIY are continuing to increase nationally. With a median gap of 40 years between exposure and diagnosis, and with a large number of people diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of renovating or maintaining homes, the importance of education about the dangers of asbestos to homeowners cannot be overstated.
Before renovating, please undertake the below safety checklist:
It is recommended you contact a local Licenced Asbestos Removalist when dealing with asbestos and ensure you contact your local Council before disposing of it.