Make Payments
Payments for Rates and Water can be made to Hay Shire Council using the following methods:
Hardship Concession Support
Hay Shire Council has assistance for rate payers who may have come into difficulty, the Hardship Concession is equivalent to the pensioner concession
Hardship Concession Application
Internet Banking
Payments can be made via internet banking using BPAY. You will need to quote the Biller Code: 686253 and customer reference number (found on your Account)
By clicking the links below you can pay by credit card via the internet with Postbillpay online.
To pay your Rates by credit card please, Billpay code 4208 Click Here.
To pay your Water by credit card please, Billpay code 4209 Click Here.
In person
You can pay your bills at the Hay Shire Council office or at any Australia Post Office throughout Australia.
By phone - 13 18 16
Phone 13 18 16 for the cost of a local call – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The step by step process is quick and easy to use.
By registering at have your rates and water notices delivered to your email
address and access historic notices.
eNotices for Rates and Water in your inbox
Any questions or difficulties with payments can be directed to staff at Hay Shire Council by phone (02) 6990 1100